Parque Empresarial de Morero.
Parcela P.2-12, Nave 1 - Puerta 5
39611 Guarnizo, Cantabria, España
Phone: +34 942 078 147
Fax: +34 942 078 131
Email: javier.pinedo@apriasystems.es
Between February 11 and 14, an engineering team from Apria traveled to Ambigroup to assess the status of the HAMSYS pilot plant.
Sergio Gutiérrez, PhD student at the University of Cantabria within the framework of the Life4Fgases project, is doing a pre-doctoral stay at the NOVA University of Lisbon.
Last week, Sergio Gutiérrez, a researcher from the University of Cantabria, travelled to Lisbon to continue
Lanzada el sexto newsletter del proyecto LIFE-4-Fgases incluyendo toda la información sobre los avances de los últimos 6 meses.
We are pleased to announce the upcoming 21st European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry
The fifth follow-up meeting of the LIFE-4-Fgases Project (LIFE20 CCM/ES/001748) was held last September 30th.
Our technical partners UC and NOVA participated on September 29th in the European Researchers' Night, which is held in multiple European cities.
Last July 9th, our technical partners from FCT NOVA organized a workshop
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Parque Empresarial de Morero.
Parcela P.2-12, Nave 1 - Puerta 5
39611 Guarnizo, Cantabria, España
Phone: +34 942 078 147
Fax: +34 942 078 131
Email: javier.pinedo@apriasystems.es