End-used responsible of the waste management facility where the project will take place, with great interest in valorising F-gas management.
National Association embracing the most representative waste management facilities dedicated to F-gases. Chair of the Advisory Committee.
Research and Technology developer institution with experience in adsorption processes for gas treatment, socio-economic assessment and EU project’s execution. Chair of the Advisory Committee.
Research and Technology developer institution with extensive experience in advanced membrane processes, LCA and EU project’s execution. Chair of the Technical and Innovation Committee.
Technology integrator with extensive experience in advanced membrane processes and EU project’s execution. Project Coordinator. Chair of the Executive Committee and the Exploitation, IPR and policy making Committee.
Parque Empresarial de Morero.Parcela P.2-12, Nave 1 - Puerta 539611 Guarnizo, Cantabria, España
Phone: +34 942 078 147Fax: +34 942 078 131Email: