The fifth follow-up meeting of the LIFE-4-Fgases Project (LIFE20 CCM/ES/001748) was held last September 30th. The meeting, which took place at Ambigroup SGPS facilities in Seixal (Portugal), was attended by representatives of all entities participating in the execution of the project. The partners presented the latest advances of actions developed. They discussed how to approach the pending activities during the last year of the project execution period, especially regarding HAMSYS demonstration activities.
The LIFE-4-FGases project aims to demonstrate an innovative technology, at a real scale, for the selective recovery of fluorinated gases present in commercial refrigerant blends, promoting their reutilization and, in this way, minimizing their environmental impact.
The partners involved in the execution of the project are Apria Systems, Universidad de Cantabria, ERP Portugal, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, and Ambigroup SGPS.
It is funded under the LIFE programme, managed by the European Commission (DG Environment and DG Climate Action).